Dr Appointment Update and “Hands Free Calling”

Today I took Sarah to see the doctor we have been waiting months to see and it was so encouraging!  This doctor immediately identified Sarah’s crying as a sensory and behavioral issue and is working on ways to help us.  She also gave us a prescription for speech and OT services.  These are things we have paid out-of-pocket for (and it is not cheap!) and now it will be covered by our insurance!  I cried and hugged her!  We still need two more evaluations before treatment can start to address her crying, but I left with hope!  Thank you for praying!!

Speaking about Sarah’s non-stop crying…Here is a story about it.  Enjoy! 🙂


Last year, we bought my friend’s Equinox.  Her job transferred her to New York City and she no longer needed the car and she sold it to us.  I call this car “Beautiful” because it is.  It has so many neat features that I have only begun to figure out and understand.

My favorite is the ‘hands free calling’ feature.  Usually my cell phone is at the bottom of my purse and my purse is somewhere on the backseat floor of my car.  As long as the phone is in the car, the ‘hands free calling’ feature works.  Now I have not quite figured out how to program it so I could say “Call David’s cell” and it will do it.  I just say the number for it to call.   This usually is not a problem.

As you know, Sarah cries; she cries loudly, especially in the car.  For some reason the moment she gets in the car, she starts to cry and doesn’t stop. It can make for long car rides! One day I needed to call David while I was out and Sarah was crying loudly behind me in the backseat.  I pressed the ‘hands free calling’ button and started to call out the number.

“2, 4, 8, 7…”

The computer responded. “Okay, calling ‘2, 8, 4, 8, 8, 8…’”

I hit the cancel button.  That was weird.

I tried again. “2, 4, 8, 7…”

“Okay, calling ‘8, 8, 8, 2, 8, 4…’”

I hit the cancel button again.  What is going on?  This has never happened before. Then Sarah took a deep breath and let out a loud, top of her lungs scream.  I realized that the speaker was picking up Sarah’s crying and I guess to the computer it sounded like the number eight!  I waited for her to quiet down a bit and tried to yell over the continuous din, “2, 4, 8, 7….”

“Okay, calling ‘2, 4, 8, 8, 8, 8…’”

I gave up.  I hit the cancel button and called him when I got home.

I Peter 3:12 says, “For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and His ears are attentive to their prayer.”

I love that image that we, as His children, are always under His watchful eye and He is attentively listening to our prayers.  No matter the chaos of what is going on in my life, He hears over the din and even if my cry is just a whisper, “Please help me! O God, I need mercy!”  He hears me.   He is eagerly anticipating my prayers that I do not have to shout it over the screams of Sarah…or whatever I am facing in life.

It is a good reminder that no matter how overwhelming or crazy life can be at times, our Father is ready to listen and unlike my car computer, He never misunderstands what we are saying, because He already knows the cries of our hearts.