Peace in the Midst of a Mighty Waterfall

Have you ever gone through a season in your life where you feel like you are being hit from every side?  You feel like Job, where over and over he heard bad news from a messenger which ended in the line, “…and I am the only one who has escaped to tell you!”  (Job 1:15-17, 19) You think nothing else can go wrong, and then you see the messenger in the distance coming towards you.

While the past few weeks have not been as bad as Job had it, they certainly have been pretty rough for my family:

  • my Dad’s horrific knee surgery that resulted in infection and the long painful road he is facing,
  • Jim’s knee injury which resulted in medical and therapy bills that we were not expecting and him losing three weeks of his senior season,
  • a 3rd sewer pipe break in 2 ½ years in our basement (nothing like starting out your day finding 2” of standing water!) and the headache of dealing with not having a kitchen sink/dishwasher for 2 weeks– not to mention the cost of this repair,
  • and a car expense we were not expecting.

Whew!  I am looking for the white flag of surrender!

It reminded me of a story my friend, Loren W., shared in Bible Study.  We were talking about peace and she shared this story of a king who asked his kingdom to draw him a picture of peace.  It came down to two contestants.  The one painted a picture of a lake that was picture perfect.  The lake was calm, the sky was blue and the mountains in the distance were a beautiful backdrop.  Everyone in the kingdom thought this was the perfect picture of peace.

The king looked at it and then saw the other entry.  This painting had a rough and rocky mountain with a thunderous waterfall.  It looked scary and powerful.  The king looked closer and awarded the prize to this painting.

The people were puzzled and wondered why he chose this painting and he explained that in the midst of this mighty waterfall there was a bush in the rock cracks.  In this bush the artist painted a mother bird on top of her eggs fast asleep in her nest.   He went on to explain, “Because peace does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. Peace means to be in the midst of all those things and still be calm in your heart. That is the real meaning of peace.”   (A Picture of Peace, Author Unknown)

I have been thinking of this story a lot lately, especially as this summer we went to Niagara Falls.  The sound of falls was deafening!  Just to be so close to a mighty waterfall and the roar and pure unbridled power of it, I was awestruck but it certainly did not conjure up a picture of peace for me!  Maybe that is why I have been thinking about this story so much because in the midst of the chaos the momma bird made a choice to find peace.  Wow, feels like my life right now!  I want to be like that momma bird and find rest and peace in my Savior in spite of my surroundings.

Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from Him.” Psalm 62:5

Peace I leave you, My peace I give you.  I do not give to you as the world gives.  Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”  John 14:27

Update on Sarah:

Today we had her annual IEP (Individual Educational Plan) and it went GREAT!  What a difference a year makes!  The teacher said Sarah rarely cries, is easily redirected and hasn’t had a meltdown at all!  They are working on job training skills and Sarah is very happy.  We are so grateful for your faithful prayers for her!  Bless you!!  It was 5 long years of a very dark time with her behaviors and we cannot thank you enough!!