Resistance Training

Yesterday Sarah wanted to end 2020 with pizzazz.

It started with her not sleeping AT ALL the night of the 30th/morning of the 31st. For several hours she cried and wailed. Trying to console her did nothing, in fact, it made her mad and she screamed louder. I gave up trying. Then about 3am she changed to giggling and shouting out words that sounded like gibberish. Needless to say, we also did not sleep at all the night of the 30th/morning of the 31st!

Later that morning she found a box of Mike & Ike candy that one of the kids brought home. I am unsure how much she ate, but it was enough to make her sick. Sadly, she threw up the Mike & Ike candies on the floor in front of the toilet (so close and yet so very far!) in the downstairs bathroom. Kendall, bless her, took her upstairs to wash her and I cleaned/disinfected the floor and wall and washed the bathroom mat that was hit hard. So gross!

In the afternoon Sarah was in the kitchen and I heard her in the cabinet. When I looked at what she had grabbed, she had pulled out the NyQuil and had poured some in the cup provided and drank it. YIKES! I locked up the NyQuil in the fishing tackle box that we keep our other meds locked up in. I was worried that she would sleep during the day (and be up the entire night again), but it had no effect on her. She never slowed down for the entire day.

I, on the other hand, was on fumes. Already exhausted from the lack of sleep, dealing with throw up and this med scare, I was ready for the day (and year!) to end.

Yet, while it has been a day and year for the books, David and I spend time reminding each other of all the good things that God has done this past year last night. Over and over again, we saw the Lord’s protection and provision. In regards with Sarah, I am grateful that I was able to stay home with her this past year helping her with on-line school. I have gotten to know her teachers and I have such a deep appreciation and admiration for them!!

This morning I was reading about the importance of resistance training when it comes to our spiritual walk. Jonathan Cahn says, “God calls each of us to grow … to grow in faith, in righteousness, in love, in joy, in hope, patience, peace, perseverance … in godliness … When you exercise the qualities of God against resistance, it causes you to grow stronger … When it’s hardest to love, and you love regardless, your love grows stronger. When your circumstances are not conducive to joy, but you rejoice anyway, your joy increases … so don’t despise the resistance, but give thanks for it.” (The Book of Mysteries, Day 212)

I chuckled to myself that God keeps giving me opportunities for resistance training in patience! Yet, it is not my patience, but Christ’s patience in me. It is not my joy, but Christ’s. Resistance training, the hard and challenging days that make me question my existence, allows me to experience His presence in me and let it grow; to become more like Him!

What an interesting thought! These tough days, these days that I feel might break me, are really opportunities to stretch my spiritual muscles to grow stronger and more like Him!

With Christ, I think I am ready to face 2021!

“…we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.” Romans 5:3-5

Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.” James 1:2-3

I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” Galatians 2:20

16 thoughts on “Resistance Training


    Thank you Jill, Your posts always make me think and they do me a lot of good. You have learned spiritual lessons that many of us, especially me, still need to learn. May you and David and your children have a blessed and happy new year. Love, Uncle Roger

  2. Pam Harrison

    Thank you Jill, for sharing your insightfulness. Praying for you and your dear family. May the Lord bless you throughout the coming year, growing in faith and joy in Him who loves you immeasurable. Happy New Year!

  3. Sarah Dye

    You are such a strong woman! God is teaching you so many things and growing you stronger through all these experiences with Sarah. He’s got you. He is walking right along side you each and every day! You have shown all of us what Perseverance really means. Happy New Year to your Family! The old is gone and the new has come.

  4. Jane Terkoski

    Thank you , Jill, for all the reminders. What a wonderful way to start out this new year, remembering our blessings through trials, and reminding us that we are being built up and strengthened for and through the body of Christ. Thank you, Jill.
    Forever grateful,
    Happy New Year
    💞 Jane

  5. Pat Vess

    All you have encouraged and strengthened–you will never know but you truly have done just that for so many!
    Always so grateful for every post! THANK YOU!

  6. billandjanet1987

    Jill, Such great words and bible verses. I’m challenging myself to memorize scripture this year and those last verses are ones I want to memorize. Whenever I think of joy I always think of you.I know you have hard days but you’re always a joy to be around. Love you my sweet friend!!!

    Sent from my iPhone


    1. Love you, Janet! I want to memorize more too! I love your heart and your desire to grow deeper in Him! So thankful to be doing life with you! Can’t wait to see you soon! ❤

  7. mama7004

    Thank you so much for sharing these words! Such a challenge for us all! But so true and so Biblical – testing develops our perseverance. I’m sorry for the hard and exhausting days and wouldn’t wish those on you. As someone looking on and reading what you not only go through but what you learn and how God is leading you – it is all to the glory of God how your life points to Him! Thank you for your vulnerability. And for your sense of humor abd great writing!! Love you!

  8. Carol Butler

    Jill, You are certainly being tested each day with Sarah .We know Jesus is right there by your side. I pray that you will feel Jesus arms around you. Only He knows your every need!
    I am thankful that Sarah is in a Godly home, where she is loved and prayed for daily! Lots of Love, Aunt Carol

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