He Moves Mountains

I will never forget November 6, 2023. It was a night of brokenness as I cried out to the Lord.

Sarah had hit such a rough time in her behaviors last fall, but that night was the worst. I prayed for encouragement. I prayed for mountains to move…

Praise #1 – The next morning David called Sarah’s autism doctor’s office to see if we can get in to seek help for her crying. This doctor is usually booked out 6 months in advance, but she had an opening the following week. That never happens! She heard our concerns and prescribed a drug to help with Sarah’s outbursts.  Sarah can go from crying loudly to laughing within a few seconds, but her crying doesn’t mean she is upset. She can be crying while doing things she loves to do. The doctor’s office suspects Sarah has a neurological disorder that causes her not to be able to regulate her emotions. This drug is what they prescribe for this disorder.

Praise #2 – This drug has been a game changer! From non-stop crying/screaming, we have gone to 20 minutes maximum (usually much less!) of crying. She is dramatically different! We have our Sarah back!

That week in November, I also called the group home* that we are wanting for Sarah. When we asked to be on their waitlist in 2019, we were told the waitlist is usually 10 years. I called just to see where we were at on the list. I was looking for encouragement that maybe it would be sooner.

My heart sank when I was told it was still at least another 10 years. I thanked them, but hung up the phone so discouraged.  

David and I decided in the meantime to look at other options as Sarah will age out of her life skills training through the school system in 2 years and we need to find options for her.

Praise #3 – January 2024, my phone rang, but I didn’t recognize the number. Thinking it was a client, I answered it. (When Sarah went back to in-person school after COVID, I went to work for David’s division at his company.) I was shocked when it was the group home calling us to tell us there was a space for Sarah! Honestly, I asked her name 4 times!! I just couldn’t believe it!  

It is a miracle!  What we thought would be 10 years happened in little over 2 months!

Our next step was for us to visit the group home. We planned our visit for the following week.

When Sarah came home from school on the day were going to visit, I told her our plans.

“Sarah, we are going to look at an apartment for you. Your brother and sister-in-law have an apartment, your sister has an apartment, and your younger brother has an apartment. We think we should look at an apartment for you. Do you want to look at one?”

Sarah stared at me intently.

“Yes” she whispered under her breath. She put on her coat and walked outside and climbed into the truck.

Praise #4 – For the entire trip Sarah was great! She was content playing on her iPad and was genuinely excited to go on this road trip. We toured the facility and it would be perfect for her! Sarah would need be accepted by the group home, but they told us we could move forward in the process.

Praise #5 – The next step was gathering paperwork. The group home will be taking over Sarah’s care, so they need all medical and educational documents on her. It was a major undertaking! Sarah has seen so many specialists throughout her life, but two months later everything was turned in. What a praise!

Praise #6 – Yesterday, we went for the interview with the group home. Sarah this time was not as happy and began crying. I asked for prayer from friends and she stopped within a few minutes of me asking for prayer! She was great again for the entire trip! What a praise!

These past few weeks have been a rollercoaster of emotions. We want this so desperately for her, but I was preparing my heart that if it was a no, we will trust the Lord.

We drove there with such peace! We knew people were praying because we were so calm.

The interview went well as we shared about Sarah and her care. We left in complete peace knowing that the Lord was in control.

Praise #7 – On our way home, we got the call that Sarah is accepted and her move in date is in a few weeks!

Only the Lord can move mountains like this! 10 years to 5 months?!? This is unbelievable! I am in such a state of shock!

I have been studying the book of Exodus and focusing on chapters 1-18. When we think of the book of Exodus, we think of God freeing the Israelites from slavery and parting the Red Sea, but my Bible study has shown me that there were multiple instances of God’s deliverance in these chapters. Each week the study has been showing me different instances of God delivering Moses and/or the Israelites. It has been such an encouragement to me to see His faithfulness…not just with the Israelites, but with us on this Sarah journey.

One of my favorite verses as a mom is Isaiah 40:11:

“He tends his flock like a shepherd:

He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart;

He gently leads those that have young.”

He has held us close to His heart and has gently lead us for all these years…

How grateful we are that He still parts seas and moves mountains!

Thank you for all the love and prayers for all these years on this autism journey!

With grateful hearts,

David and Jill

*We are not sharing the group home’s name/location due to Sarah’s privacy and protection. Thank you for your understanding!

Ah, Sovereign LORD, you have made the heavens and the earth

by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you.”

Jeremiah 32:17